Mechanical Testing, Inc.
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How do C02 levels affect a classroom environment?
CO2- Why do we care about levels?There are two main reasons why CO2 levels can rise in a classroom:Occupancy: Humans breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. The more people in a classroom, the more CO2 is released through respiration. This is especially true for older students who tend to exhale more CO2 than younger ones.Ventilation: Fresh air from outside dilutes the CO2 exhaled by [...MORE]

Service Area: HVAC Test and Balance
Tips for working with building control contractor as an HVAC TAB professional.
Working with a building control contractor for HVAC test and balance involves several important steps and considerations to ensure the system functions efficiently and meets the required specifications. Here are some tips to help you collaborate effectively:1. Clear Communication:Establish clear lines of communication from the start. Know who the key contacts are and how they prefer to [...MORE]

Service Area: HVAC Test and Balance
What does the new USP Standards mean for my lab?
The most recent revisions to USP 797 came into effect in November 2023, and they focus on strengthening several key areas to ensure the safety and quality of compounded sterile preparations (CSPs). Here's a breakdown of what your facility needs to consider under the new 797 standard:Enhanced Training and Competency Evaluations: The emphasis is now on stricter training and more frequent [...MORE]

The Importance of Sterile Compounding Testing.
Understanding the Importance of Sterile Compound TestingIn the realm of pharmaceutical compounding, ensuring the safety and efficacy of sterile preparations is paramount. Sterile compound testing plays a pivotal role in maintaining patient well-being and preventing adverse events. Let’s delve into why this testing matters and how it safeguards patients.1. Regulatory Requirements and Quality [...MORE]

What you should look for when hiring a Cleanroom certification company.
When selecting a cleanroom certification company, a facility manager should consider a range of factors to ensure that the chosen company has the necessary expertise, credentials, and experience to effectively certify the cleanroom according to industry standards and regulations. Here are some key factors to consider: 1. Accreditation and CertificationsIndustry Accreditation: Look for [...MORE]